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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Contact an Advisor

All academic advising appointments are customized to provide you with the detailed assistance you need to plan your academic career. You can meet with your advisor in-person or remotely via Zoom or phone.

Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Before Scheduling an Advising Appointment

Check for holds on your account

To check for any holds, log in to the myLCCC portal, click on Student Resources, My Account, and then the Holds button near the top right of the screen.

  • If you have a Business Office hold, you must contact that office before scheduling an appointment. Call
    610-799-1157 or visit the page for information on paying your LCCC bill.
  • If you have an Academic hold, you have received an email notification from Jodi Rowlands, Dean of Academic Support and Success, in your student email account. Instructions on how to proceed are in that email. Additional information is on the Academic Standing and Progress page.

Schedule the appointment

Be prepared for your advising session

  • Arrive on time.
  • Provide your student ID (L number).
  • If you are a transfer student, make sure you have submitted all previous college transcripts.
  • Review Degree Works for important information regarding your academic progress.
  • Prepare a list of questions you would like to discuss with your advisor.
  • List the courses you would like to take next semester. If you aren’t sure, you can discuss options with your advisor.
  • Discuss any challenges or concerns that have affected your past performance, if applicable.

Virtual appointment helpful hints

  • Have Degree Works open to discuss your progress and academic plan with your advisor.
  • Be prepared to take notes.
  • Make sure you are in a place that is quiet so you can concentrate and get the most out of the appointment. If you need to reschedule, let your advisor know.

After you have registered for classes


How to Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an advising appointment, you can call 610-799-1137, email, or schedule an appointment online.

You can also visit the Student Services Center, Room 124.